Driving for beginners: expert advice
You bought a car and got your license. Even so, you do not have the main thing ─ driving experience. Driving for beginners becomes quite a grueling process. Nevertheless, with each kilometer, the beginner copes with this task more and more confidently.

In order to make life a little easier for a beginner, experts give some important tips that can be useful for driving practice.
Tip 1. Do not be gullible to other people’s advice. All the advice of third-party people should be analyzed, and while driving, rely on your knowledge and skills.
Tip 2. In the early stages, try to infrequently change lanes. Novice drivers cannot calculate such maneuvers well, therefore any rearrangements from lane to lane create an additional accident risk.
Tip 3. Before you go somewhere, think of new routes in your mind in advance. Imagine a picture with the smallest details of how you will drive.
Tip 4. Fastening is a mandatory action that should begin your journey. Also ask your passengers to buckle up if they haven’t.
Tip 5. If you want to make some kind of maneuver with a car, always warn other road users about it using turn signals.
Tip 6. Before driving, you need to inspect your car, paying special attention to the wheels, damage or scratches on the car body.
Tip 7. Try not to occupy the extreme rows. In the right lane, “racers” will honk and flash their headlights, and in the extreme left lane, parked cars will interfere with driving.
Tip 8. Be confident in yourself. If other motorists are honking or flashing a high beam behind the car so that you give them the way, then do this only after making sure that your maneuver will be safe for you.
Tip 9. You do not need to “teach” anyone on the road. It could end up in a fight. And all this is useless.
Tip 10. Often it is the presence of experience, and not its absence, that leads to tragic events. Usually the feeling of false experience comes to a beginner after he has driven 5,000-10,000 km. Then he has a desire in some situations to break the rules and exceed the speed of movement. Don’t do this. Always follow the traffic regulations.