5 Tips For Upgrading Your Car Stereo System
Probably every motorist wants to have quality car audio in his/her car. Correctly picked up good car audio system will guarantee never to be bored on the road, because at any moment you can turn on and listen to your favorite music. The easiest and budget option – the use of two main components: car stereo and acoustics (speakers). Such devices can be found almost in all cars. But no matter how expensive acoustics or car stereo is, it is impossible to achieve perfect sounding without additional components. The main problem is poor sound at high volume. Signal distortion does not give the full enjoyment of music and the pleasure of listening to the tracks. You can fix it with different components. So today we are going to talk about 5 tips that will help you to improve your best car stereo in your car!
You can achieve a first-class sound by using different modern components that are used in the connection scheme:
- Subwoofers – allow you to play deep bass frequencies;
- Grills are decorative protective grilles that protect the speakers;
- Crossovers – this is a device designed to prepare the desired private range for each installed speaker;
- Processors – make adjustments to the sound field and tune the sound in the car, achieving a perfect sound for any music;
- Amplifiers – are placed to improve sound quality by eliminating or minimizing distortion at high volume levels;
- Capacitors – to keep the batteries properly charged when the current consumption from the car’s onboard network is high;
- Amplifier accessories – make controlling the sound system more convenient;
- Speaker spacers – ensure reliable mounting of the speakers and their good sound.
Amplifiers, subwoofers, processors, crossovers – all these and many other devices allow you to achieve high quality and clear sound even at high volume. But it should be understood that there are other, less significant, but nevertheless quite important elements. These include cables (wires) and connectors/distributors (all kinds of connecting terminals that securely connect the wires).
Step-By-Step Sound Enhancement
1. Try to change the speakers to a higher quality, higher class. Before installing them, you may have to additionally Vibro-insulate the car doors. To do this, by removing the door casing, the fibroblast is placed in the inner cavity. After eliminating the vibrations and installing the new speakers, the sound of the audio system will significantly improve.
2. It’s time to go to the second stage. You urgently need to connect an amplifier. Not for the sake of volume, but to improve sound clarity. If you are trying to turn up the volume on your boombox and the sound gets distorted, an amplifier will save the situation.
The word “amplifier” is often misunderstood. Its function is not just to amplify the sound, but to enhance the quality of the sound signal, which is transmitted from the boombox to the speakers. You’re probably familiar with the situation where, when you try to boost the sound of your music, your speakers begin to croak. The speakers are blamed for it. And the reason is the low power of the built-in amplifier of regular speakers. Therefore, if you hear squeaking and wheezing, you need to install a sound amplifier.

Tips: if you want to achieve amplification of the front and rear speakers, you will need a four-channel amplifier. If you plan to supplement your audio system with a subwoofer, choose a monoblock or two-channel amplifier.
So, you have purchased an amplifier. Now let’s begin tuning. The main thing is to match the signal level of your amplifier and radio as much as possible.
Set the volume of the boombox to zero position of sound sensitivity. Begin to slowly increase the volume. As soon as the sound distortion appears, it is necessary to lower the volume a little.
Amplifiers are usually installed in the trunk. So get out of the car and slowly increase the power of the amplifier. When you hear the distortion of the sound, slightly reduce the power. That’s it: the sound is good. The signals are matched in power.
4. Maybe you decided to enjoy low bass, you like modern electronic music, so you can’t do without a subwoofer.
Caution: don’t rush to buy a ready-made subwoofer with a built-in amplifier. You will get an inarticulate buzz, not a voluminous sound of low bass. When purchasing a subwoofer, be sure to consider the amount of space in the car. A subwoofer that is too powerful will ruin the sound of any music. It should not drown it out, but only be a kind of a subwoofer to the main sound.

Bottom Line
The factory head unit can be replaced with a DIN or 2DIN car radio. For this purpose, in most cases, a mounting frame for a specific make/model of car is used (you can choose a frame here). You can also buy an OEM head unit designed like a tablet PC for most popular car brands. Such devices have a large touch screen display, can be connected without changing built-in wiring, are controlled by the factory buttons on the steering wheel, have many useful features (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Android, DSP, GPS, etc.).
By the way, you can also install a compact subwoofer in your car instead of the usual bulky one. They can be installed under the driver’s seat, on the passenger seat, on the rear shelf. Having changed the regular audio system to your liking, and found out the process of Upgrading A Car Audio System, enjoy the music and have a good trip.