15 Major Advantages of Using a Vehicle Tracking System
Why Do You Need A Vehicle Monitoring System?
Do you want to monitor the movements of your company’s vehicles in real-time, receive notifications about vehicle visits to control areas, analyze vehicle movements for any period, know the actual mileage, and much more? GPS trackers, special devices which monitor and transmit in real-time via the Internet various telemetric data: coordinates, speed, fuel level, etc. are installed on the vehicles. These data are accumulated on special servers included in the system. The user of the transport monitoring system, using the client-side software, observes in real-time the movements of vehicles, analyzes the data on their operation accumulated over a long period of time, creates all kinds of reports, receives various notifications of events, etc. And today in this article you will learn about 15 advantages of this system.

How the Tracker Works
Location tracking equipment works quite simply. A unique module with GPS navigation is installed in the car, which registers the route of the vehicle in the online mode, sending the coordinates via the GPRS data packet transport channel to the special service server. Subscribers can visually track the location of the vehicle on the monitor of a personal gadget connected to the global network.
In other words, you can see a clear and accessible map of geography, which shows control points, from which information about the location of the car was sent. In addition to the location and route, the device also allows you to determine the speed of the vehicle. The modern tracker is connected to the 12 V onboard power system. The device is compact – somewhere like a pack of cigarettes. If you put it secretly and provide a self-contained battery, the car gets a unique protection option:
- If the car is stolen, it can be found quickly enough;
- But you need to look for it on the hot trail, as soon as possible;
- Otherwise, the car can be “sawn up” for auto parts.
In order not to find the tracking chip, it must be hidden behind the plastic covers located under the hood of the car, in the luggage compartment or inside the car (important, hide it only behind radio-transparent building materials). Otherwise, the signal can be transmitted very weakly.
Device for Vehicle Tracking
A separate model of tracker provides advanced functionality. For example, drivers will not interfere with the possibility of connecting an alarm button, after pressing which, the unit automatically sends SMS or e-mail to pre-designated people. To certain devices can be connected temperature sensors, which will monitor the temperature of the engine. Sensors can also monitor the onboard electrical voltage and the state of the battery. If necessary, trackers can be used for switching any onboard circuit.
If the device is connected to the starting circuit, it can be controlled remotely. This means that the engine can be shut down at a distance, for example, if the car was stolen. Many devices, in particular, equipped with accelerometers, can perform the alarm function. In the parking lot, they are “silent” do not waste battery power, but at the slightest displacement of the body or a blow, they start, sending an SMS to the owner.
In addition, the driver can share the car alarm or factory alarm with the tracker body for tracking. So, when it is triggered, the tracker will send the owner an SMS about the alarm. Tracker to track the car is available in stock in Volgograd, our engineer will help with installation.
GPS-Tracker Has Several Important Advantages:
- allows the client to personally track the location of the vehicle with the cargo;
- makes it possible to reduce the cost of transportation by saving fuel (if there are regular transportation on a particular route, you can calculate the nominal speed of transport on certain road segments, at which there is minimal fuel consumption), reducing delays on route, the choice of the optimal route;
- simplifies the control of the vehicle on the line – the dispatcher always knows where the vehicle is going at the moment and can calculate the exact time of cargo arriving from point A to point B (up to the minute);
- allows you to eliminate unplanned changes in the route, frequent unreasonable stops, excessive fuel consumption.
Such conditions, when there is total control of the transportation process, are more attractive to serious customers than low rates. That is why the level of trust to a carrier who is able to give exact answers is much higher than to a private person who works without any communication with the customer.
There are also other advantages:
- full control of transport on the line;
- The ability to trace the exact route on the map, the speed of movement;
- tracking of travel time and idle time under the PRR delays on route;
- collection of data on the work of transport on the line (vehicle hours, fuel consumption, mileage, downtime);
- remote vehicle control;
- fuel consumption control;
- recording of emergency situations, accidents, violations of traffic rules by drivers.
Thus, GPS-tracker GLONASS has the following features:

- functions in a wide temperature range: from -40 to +65 degrees;
- Connects to the car power grid and can operate from its own battery (optionally available);
- Starts transmitting in 1-3 seconds after switching on;
- is not afraid of moisture (air humidity limit – not more than 93%).
Summary Reducing the total mileage contributes to less wear and tear of the car systems and units, which naturally leads to lower maintenance and repair costs. The car remains in serviceable condition longer, which affects its residual value (i.e. depreciation costs are significantly reduced). Considering all aspects, the carrier eventually gets a lower cost of transportation, which allows him to either lower rates, attract customers at a reasonable cost, or get extra profits, which can be directed, for example, to update the fleet. In the end, we hope that you have found this article useful and you found out what the advantages of this system are!